SCTEM Discuss

Welcome to SCTEM Discuss!

This discussion area allows you to collaborate with your peers, on a platform that is both secure, private and modeled with features that blend discussion groups with social media-like features.  This feature is exclusively for SCTEM members so you need to be logged in to the website in order to participate.  While you can connect your social media to your profile, it is optional.

Major topic areas will have a section on the discussion board that you can post to.  If you would like to be notified when the board is updated, simply click “subscribe” in the upper right corner of the individual discussion board.  Like social media, you can create a profile, add a profile photo and header.  In addition, you can connect to friends, join & add groups, and send private messages to other members.

We have the ability to add additional main topics so please contact us with any suggestions you may have.

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